KISC, as a culturally diverse K-12 international school, aims to provide a challenging yet supportive learning environment for an excellent holistic education.

We believe that the process of learning is as important as actual achievement. We aim to create a learning environment in which each student feels valued and where there is freedom to express ideas and opinions, which may be examined openly and objectively. We encourage independence as well as interdependence.

Our learning process focuses not only on gaining knowledge but also on the development of critical thinking, creativity and acquisition of skills for life. As a result, KISC students will become independent lifelong learners. We strive to provide students with opportunities to develop their gifts and talents through as many aspects of KISC life as possible: academically, socially and through sports and creative arts.

We believe that for students to feel fulfilled and achieve their potential, they must experience love, care and respect for themselves and others. In addition, they must also assume responsibility for their decisions and actions. KISC aims to foster genuine relationships both with God and others, enabling students to be understanding, compassionate and proactive global citizens.

We recognise that education is an active partnership between parents, teaching staff and students. Through our mutual efforts, we want our students to develop the skills, attitudes and spirituality they need to successfully meet the challenges of our rapidly changing world.