Primary Curriculum

KISC Primary seeks to grow students holistically through creative and active learning while seeking to meet each students’ individual learning needs.

The KISC curriculum is designed to:

  • Link curriculum requirements to the KISC mission, vision, values and foundational statements

  • Encourage and develop skills required for life

  • Facilitate a focus on educational competencies, learning outcomes, and assessment

  • Show sensitivity to the special needs of all students

Our curriculum is based on standards that best fit our students at KISC. We use resources from around the world to serve our international students. Each class studies the following subjects:

  • Language Arts (reading, writing, grammar and spelling)

  • Mathematics

  • Science

  • World Around Us (geography, history, cultural studies)

  • Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE)

  • Bible

Related Arts

  • Library

  • Art

  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

  • Music

  • Physical Education (PE)


Reading: The lessons are designed to illuminate student thinking about literature, supporting the development of critical thinking and a lifelong love of reading. The curriculum intentionally combines academics with social and emotional learning to create an environment in which students learn to collaborate, agree and disagree respectfully and take responsibility for their own learning. Carefully selected non-fiction and fiction read-aloud trade books provide a rich, rewarding experience as students encounter increasingly complex texts and build their vocabulary.

Spelling: We use word study for our spelling. It is an alternative to traditional spelling instruction. It is based on learning word patterns rather than memorising unconnected words.

Writing: Instruction is guided in units of study in opinion, information, and narrative writing. It is organised around four grade specific units of study at each year group. Grammar is intertwined into our writing lessons for students to understand the application of grammar.


The objective that KISC seeks when teaching Mathematics is to develop numeracy skills through hands on experiences, mental math practices and real life applications. The curriculum is a comprehensive plan that gives students a strong foundation to be successful in mathematics and to build their numeracy skills for life.


KISC’s World Around Us curriculum is designed to play a crucial role in our young people becoming active, responsible citizens who will positively impact this world. The subjects of history and geography alongside current event topics, helps students explore the past, present, and possible future. The curriculum enables students to understand cultures and people, to learn from the past and to gain insight into understanding God’s plan for mankind.


Our science curriculum focuses on developing students’ knowledge, understanding and skills in both science and literacy, through an inquiry-based approach. Students think about, reason and represent their understanding of science by using science journals, graphs, Venn diagrams, tables, role-plays and word walls. It covers three interrelated strands – science understanding, science as a human endeavour and science inquiry skills.


KISC wants students to have a well-rounded education and this includes having students participate in our related arts programme. Related arts are our art, music, physical education, information technology and media/library classes, which happen once a week. PE is twice a week.